Monday, March 8, 2010

Q1 "Moms with a Mission" Tip of the Week - #10: Ethnic Impact

Breast Cancer Prevention Week #10: Week of March 8

While more white women get breast cancer than African American women, more African American women will die of the disease. There are environmental exposures that are unique to African Americans like the more common use of hormone-containing personal care products. Please help us spread the word about the challenges for African American women. Request copies of and help distribute The Environmental Risks of Breast Cancer in African American Women at

And while fewer Latinas get breast cancer than other groups, breast cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in Latina women in the United States. Experts say Latina breast cancer is understudied and that we simply do not have accurate data to know just how hard breast cancer is hitting these women. Help us shed more light on breast cancer within these communities of color. Read more about the Latina experience in BCF’s 2006 newsletter If you would like to help distribute our print newsletter a few times a year, fill out a volunteer form and let us know!

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