Monday, March 29, 2010

Q2 "Moms with a Mission" Focus: March for Babies

Each quarter we focus our efforts to a new cause that impacts us as parents and children of the world.  For the next 12 weeks, we will be providing one education tip each week focused on impacting this quarter's mission: March for Babies.  Be on the lookout as we send tips on how you can help your new and unborn infants by eating healthy during pregnancy after your children are born.  Please participate in any way possible, even if it's only by leaving positive feedback. 

Read on to learn more about this quarter's cause: March for Babies


March of Dimes was founded in 1938 by Franklin Roosevelt to conquer polio which, of course, was accomplished through their funding of the research that led to the polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk. With that major health problem taken care of, March of Dimes now stands for babies – all babies – those that are healthy and those that need our help to survive. Through programs of research (like that done at La Jolla’s own Salk Institute), education, community services and advocacy March of Dimes is there for our babies. One issue close to many in the Stroller Strides family is preconception and inter-conception care and health. March of Dimes is working to discover what moms need to do during these times and make sure moms know what to


It's America's favorite walking event! When you walk, you give hope to the families of babies born too soon or sick. The money you raise supports programs in your community that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it funds research to find answers to the serious problems that threaten our babies. We've been walking since 1970 and have raised an incredible $1.8 billion to benefit all babies. March for Babies takes place in more than 900 communities across the country. You'll be joining 1 million people walking with their families or co-workers. Expect to run into some old friends and make new ones — and keep your eyes open for our celebrity walkers!

Why did we partner with MARCH OF DIMES?

Our mission, “Stroller Strides helps moms make strides in fitness, motherhood and life™” and our mantra of “Moms with a Mission” drive us to serve the communities where we live, work and raise our family. As moms, we are very interested in giving all babies a healthy start in life. That is why we are partnering with March of Dimes on their largest fundraiser, March for Babies, held in most places in late April/early May.

Why participate in MARCH FOR BABIES?

Family Teams are made up of friends and families walking together to celebrate or honor a baby in their lives. And many of our family teams walk in memory of a baby who didn't survive. These special teams remind everyone of the importance of our mission to help all babies be born healthy.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Q1 "Moms with a Mission" Tip of the Week - #12: Advocate!

Breast Cancer Prevention Week #12: Week of March 22


The Breast Cancer Fund depends on its community to be a driving force in helping to create awareness and change around eliminating the environmental causes of breast cancer. One great way to help spread the word is to send your friends and family a Breast Cancer Fund E-Postcard at

Become an advocate: The Strong Voices Leadership Development Program is a nationwide network of women and men who share their personal stories while inspiring the public to take action to end the breast cancer epidemic. The Strong Voices Leadership Development Program was envisioned when the Breast Cancer Fund founder, Andrea Ravinett Martin, first spoke out on behalf of the environmental links to breast cancer. As a leader and strong voice in the breast cancer advocacy movement, Andrea created the path for the Breast Cancer Fund to take issue with the single most compelling public health issue of this century – environmental health.
To become a Strong Voice, please fill the Volunteer Form and indicate that you are interested in additional advocacy training.
Visit the Strong Voices website to learn more about the program, access tools and resources and find opportunities for involvement in your region.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Q1 "Moms with a Mission" Tip of the Week - #11: Take Precaution

Breast Cancer Prevention Week #11: Week of March 15

There are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals approved for market use today, from preservatives in our lipstick to flame retardants in our sofas, from plasticizers in our water bottles to pesticides on our fruit and vegetables. Less than 10% of these chemicals have been tested for their effects on human health. We know that the average American carries at least 116 chemicals in his or her body, yet scientists can tell us next to nothing about the lifetime effects of living with this toxic "cocktail" of chemicals.

Today, the environmental laws and regulations that guide the decisions we make about public health and the environment focus on managing risks rather than preventing harm. The Precautionary Principle shifts this kind of decision-making to a more comprehensive approach that looks at alternatives to a current activity, stresses meaningful public participation, and looks at all of the costs (economic, health, environmental) that are involved in a project or activity.

For example, in a traditional risk management model, a local Recreation and Parks manager would ask "How much arsenic is okay to allow in arsenic-treated wood playground equipment?" Following a precautionary principle approach, the manager would ask "do we need to use arsenic treated wood at all?" and "what are the alternatives to using arsenic treated wood"? Risk management asks "How much harm is allowable?" while the precautionary principle asks "How little harm is possible?"

The Breast Cancer Fund is a founding member of the Bay Area Precautionary Principle Working Group (BAWG), an innovative collaborative made up of leaders from the breast cancer, public health, environmental health and environmental justice communities, formed to promote the implementation of the precautionary principle in the Bay Area and assist other regions of the country in their efforts to do that same.

To learn more, visit

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Q1 "Moms with a Mission" Tip of the Week - #10: Ethnic Impact

Breast Cancer Prevention Week #10: Week of March 8

While more white women get breast cancer than African American women, more African American women will die of the disease. There are environmental exposures that are unique to African Americans like the more common use of hormone-containing personal care products. Please help us spread the word about the challenges for African American women. Request copies of and help distribute The Environmental Risks of Breast Cancer in African American Women at

And while fewer Latinas get breast cancer than other groups, breast cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in Latina women in the United States. Experts say Latina breast cancer is understudied and that we simply do not have accurate data to know just how hard breast cancer is hitting these women. Help us shed more light on breast cancer within these communities of color. Read more about the Latina experience in BCF’s 2006 newsletter If you would like to help distribute our print newsletter a few times a year, fill out a volunteer form and let us know!

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Q1 "Moms with a Mission" Tip of the Week - #9: Start Young

Breast Cancer Prevention Week #9: Week of March 1


One thing we can do to help combat childhood obesity is to promote breastfeeding early in life and support school-based healthy school lunch and obesity prevention programs for older children. Look into groups that are advocating for more breastfeeding like

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